Welcome on the homepage of the International Research Masters delivered by Polytech Tours!

These second years of master are adressed to student having at least 240 ECTS or equivalent.

These International Masters are proposed within the LMD system and correspond to Research specialties of different the Masters of the University François Rabelais of Tours. They are supported by researchers of the laboratories of Polytech Tours and their objective is to prepare students to participate and to realize innovative research activities. With these Masters, students are ready either to start a Ph.D. thesis or to work in Research & Development departments in Industry and Liberal profession.

The particularity of these Masters relies on their international dimension: courses are taught in English, seminars are realized by top-level international researchers, internships in laboratories abroad are encouraged and even required in some situations,... These Masters offer to students an unique opportunity to be an actor in the international world of Research.

To candidate to these International Masters, a bachelor with honors degree (or equivalent) of a minimum of four years is required. Applications of the candidate are examined by a jury of lecturers and researchers who select the best ones.