Exchange Program : Computer science

In order to prepare your learning agreement, please take a look at cces(select PolytechTours in the Faculty Field, and Engineering degree in Computer Science in the Degree field). 

If you are in Master Level, you should select courses from the similar level (course level = M1 or M2).
If your are at BSc level then select courses at the "L3" level (last year of BSc).  
Also select courses either for semester 1 (fall, from septembre to january) or 2 (spring, from february to june). 
As you will see, you can also perform a long project (20 or 30 ECTS) during the whole semester. 



Polytech Tours
Département Informatique
64, avenue Jean Portalis
37200 Tours, FRANCE
Tél. : +33 (0)2 47 36 14 33
M. Gilles Venturini